III Emotional Situations e-book

Specific situations of emotional distress require 70 combo-emocons: compositions to correct each situation.

The emotional disorders described in this book are caused by complex situations that people find themselves in at some point in their lives. Situations that cause a constant emotional disruption, which the circumstances brought about. Unpleasant situations at home, in relationships and in the family, but also at work, in sport and during free time. Disruption due to illness, poverty or limitations. Complicated emotions get you down, especially if they have been there for a long time. Negative reactions to them by others can be destructive and block the rest of your life. Combo-Emocons, preparations of medicinal plants, can turn those negative feelings around and replace them with positivity. By giving the desire to do something about the negative emotion, these emocons provide the push needed to take action to control that unpleasant situation. Finally, in “Emotional Wellbeing… continues its journey”, possibilities to start working as an emoconist yourself are indicated. With combinations of music, mantras and oratorios as sources of inspiration. Because art, song, music, language, words and images are pure emotion, I could not help but seek comparisons with the levels in the world of art and culture. On the other hand, I also like to make the connecting comparison between East and West, namely based on the cultures of the East (India and the mantras) and the West (with us and our rich tradition of music and words). I call this ‘East meets West’. In this way, I give points of departure concerning the levels to meditate on or simply to sink into a rapture about the beauty that we have in the world.




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III                     Emotional Situations

Specific situations of emotional distress require 70 combo-emocons: compositions to correct each situation.                                         
